Just as I am lamenting that someone must have put duct tape over Kiffin's mouth, thus giving me nothing to work with, I stumble across this photo.
Honestly, it's delightful. I love that they coordinated their shirts to represent, that there seems to be absolutely nothing going on behind either set of eyes, and that they both appear to be mouth-breathers. Awesome.
I admit it, I'm developing an unhealthy obsession with Lane Kiffin, the new head coach for the University of Tennessee. (Admitting it's half the battle, right?) I can't help it--I'm a college football fan. During the off-season, I have nothing else going on sportswise. So it is, perhaps, understandable that I'm grateful to Kiffin for breathing life into my otherwise football-less existence.
Yet it's gotten to the point where I suspect that I am boring the hell out of my friends with all the news stories about the latest crazy thing he's done, so I figured I needed an outlet: a blog outlet. Anything fun, fascinating, or downright brow-furrowing he does will be posted here. I can't help it... I need a life. And Lane has given me one. It's demented and sad, but it's sorta a life.
I'm 37. I'm a full-time mom to a precocious four-year-old. I've been a full-time wife to T for nearly 11 years. I'm a full-time editor/writer/fire-putter-outter at a state university in Virginia. I'm a lifetime fan of Gator football and really hate off-season, save for the antics of one Lane Kiffin. And I'm trudging forward one day at a time. So really, no different from the rest of humanity, right?
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